I Have Been Unfaithful And You Know It, How Can I Make You Forgive Me?

I have been unfaithful and you know it, how can I make you forgive me?Infidelities are very difficult to forgive because they involve breaking one of the most important pacts on which a couple sits: the pact of loyalty.
I Have Been Unfaithful And You Know It, How Can I Make You Forgive Me?
I Have Been Unfaithful And You Know It, How Can I Make You Forgive Me?

I Have Been Unfaithful And You Know It, How Can I Make You Forgive Me?

And, in addition, not all infidelities are the same. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your case, you can more or less difficult to return to restore his confidence before you.

Infidelities that are punctual and in which the context plays an important role are easier to forgive than others that have been repeated in time with premeditation and treachery, where it is understood that your level of responsibility to make decisions has been greater.

In this last case not only will it be necessary that you approach forgiveness for infidelity, but you will also have to overcome the continued deception; and work together on a whole series of factors that have been failing in your partner over a long period of time.

That is why, if you have been unfaithful and you are determined to try to recover your relationship, a long journey awaits you in which you will have to assume many responsibilities and make an effort to rebuild the link you have broken.

How can you do it? Well, not stopping doing any of the following things:

• Recognize your responsibility, assume that guilt. Even if he was away from you, even if you were going through a moment of descent or you were uninhibited by alcohol.

No matter how many attenuating you have to explain your situation: at some point, conscious of your actions and mistress of them, you decided to betray him instead of finding a solution with him, within the couple.

• Do not prevent him from expressing the damage he has suffered. As much as you also hurt to hear it. You need that you also understand and live with him the real consequences of this betrayal.

Answer your questions. People, to forgive, we need to understand. I do not ask you to give him morbid details to feed your imagination or delve into the wound, but you do solve all the questions that you pose that have to do with the thoughts and emotions that have led you to be unfaithful.

• Respect their times. Not only have the pillars of his relationship with him been shaken for him, but his self-esteem has also been damaged.

It is normal to want to protect yourself from the one who has hurt you, and for a time to relate to you from a different place and attitude than what you used to.

• Recover your life project. Or build another together if necessary. Be at his side to remind him why you are together, why you ask for forgiveness, why yours is so worthwhile as to listen to your repentance and give you another opportunity.

Accept your decision. Because to forgive is not to forget, nor is it a guarantee of reconciliation. To recompose that relationship, it is essential that I forgive you, but it is not enough.